事工團隊  Ministry Team

Fernando, Dennies, Jonathan and Yu-ling

Steering Committee

Friendship Agape Church is guided by the God through our Steering Committee (STC). Each member is qualified (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 3:1-7) and confirmed annually by the congregation.


Our team includes interns who are developing their ministry skills to serve God.

Jack Chiu
Childrens Ministry Intern
Jack oversees the Sunday school program for children up to grade 5. Jack is married (Rachelle) with 3 children. The Chius live in San Jose, CA.


Our panel of guest speakers are seminary trained and share the love of teaching God's Word.

Pastor Fernando del Rosario

Rev. Mark Chen

Minister Nancy Ou

Minister Chris Chen

Elder Kay Li


Our church supports missionaries to reach people in specific geographic regions. In 2017, we added Pastor Timothy Gao and Alex Ko.

Rod Syverson

Pastor Timothy Gao 高提摩太牧師

Alex Ko 高科
South Africa